Category: Security

Risk Management Mobile

Mobile Risk Management: Securing Your Organization’s Data

Every day, employees depend on company-provided devices to fulfill their job responsibilities. However, this reliance also introduces heightened security risks for these organizations. Understanding and mitigating these risks are essential for safeguarding sensitive business data. This post delves into the various risks linked with dedicated devices and offers practical strategies to safeguard your organization’s data… Continue reading Mobile Risk Management: Securing Your Organization’s Data

Earth (focus on Europe) represented by little dots, binary code and lines – big data, global business, cryptocurrency 3D render

Improving Flight Operations and Maintenance Procedures with Remote Access to Device Content

The Challenge: Managing Vast Amounts of Content on-the-Go In the fast-paced world of aviation maintenance, the ability to access up-to-date technical documentation and manuals is crucial for safety and efficiency. The traditional Mobile Device Management (MDM) systems, while widely used across industries to manage device fleets, fall short when it comes to the aviation sector’s… Continue reading Improving Flight Operations and Maintenance Procedures with Remote Access to Device Content

Fingerprint Biometric Authentication Button. Digital Security Concept

Cybersecurity: Ransomware-resistant

Ransomware is a type of malicious software cyber attackers use to encrypt an organization’s systems or data and extort payment to restore access.

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